ZDaemon 1.10.22 - 2022-12-28 Sub-release

2022-12-28 • AF-Domains • (General ZDaemon News)           

Yes it is another sub-release.

ZDaemon 1.10.22 dated 2022-12-28 is now out with immediate effect.

For users that don't use the ZDaemon Launcher this isn't a mandatory 1.10.22 build but it is strongly recommended that you update nevertheless.

The client and all server builds have been updated and are available via the Downloads page.

The changelog has also been updated.

The highlight is as follows:

- "Select Audio Device" added in "Sound Options". Now it's possible
to select the audio device for voice chat.


- There has been the odd report regarding some unusual texture-related zserv crashes that were occurring from 1.10.22 onwards, an internal adjustment has been made in order to see whether these happen to subside.

- In the 2022-12-19 build an adjustment had been made to the toggle command that had constrained it to boolean-type cvars only; this turned out to not be a good idea and has been reverted.

 select_sound_device.gif (62 KB)