USDQC Wednesday Night Deathmatch #117 - Mega4

2021-08-10 • Flambeau • (USDQC News)           

Date: Wednesday August 11th 2021
Session: 20.00 CDT

Details and comments

We are making a return to Mega4 this week! This 4MB wad is a collection of 29 oldschool maps, “dedicated to all, MegaSphere BBS and DM players and MAPPERS around the world”. While some of the maps may provide for some hectic play, others offer some space to roam. I am sure you will be able to recognize a few, if not more...

Wednesday Night Deathmatch is the flagship weekly event of the United States Doom and Quake Community. Join us on Discord to engage in ridiculous voice chats during the events. Everyone is welcome.

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